I’ll admit that is so simple that it can hardly be called a recipe, but I’ve recently seen so many people buying pre-packaged smoothies that I thought I’d remind everyone just how delicious and easy they are when you make them yourself.
On days when I don’t feel like eating a substantial breakfast I tend to go for a smoothie instead, particularly at this time of year when I’ve eaten my body weight in porridge over the winter and want a change.
I’ve used some lovely Sussex yogurt but any natural yogurt will work just as well. This makes a quite a thick smoothie which can still be sucked up through a straw. If you don’t like yours too thick then just add more ice. Serves 2.
You will need:
2 Large bananas
250g natural yogurt
Pinch of cinnamon
6 ice cubes
Simply add the all the ingredients to a food processor and blitz until smooth. Serve immediately. Will also keep quite well in a plastic drink container for a few hours if you want to drink it on the move.Labels: banana breakfast smoothie, breakfast by the sea blog, brighton food photographer, easy breakfast ideas, food photography and styling